Monday, September 15, 2008

Darth Vader's TIE Advanced (set #7150), modified

My Facebook album was running out of room, so I decided this would be a better place to review and display my sets. I've been tinkering with Darth Vader's TIE Advanced from #7150 for a long time now and finally got it to the point where I think it's done (for now).

This is how it looked when I started... Lots of blue, which has always bugged me a little. It also suffered from a small body and a hatch on top that opened up to load/unload the Lord of the Sith.

So here's how it looks now...

I changed out the blue, put in more of the dark grey pieces. I also added the TIE dome so the top isn't flat anymore.

A view from the front. I 'borrowed' the vanes on both wings from the UCS model. I added more curve to the wings and brought them forward a bit.

The cockpit opens now, like it does on the other TIE models, making it easier for Darth to get in and out. Let's face it, that's important.

A view from the back. I brough the body out farther and a bit wider, as it should be.

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