Saturday, September 20, 2008

Trade Federation MTT (#7662)

The MTT (Multi-Troop Transport) is a really impressive model with a lot of features and even more droids (16 battle droids, 2 red security droids, 2 blue pilot droids, and 1 destroyer droid).

It has six wheels underneath to give it the illusion of hovering, and is surprisingly easy to maneuver considering how big it is.

Here's a view with all the side compartment doors opened.

...and one with the troop rack extended. There's a little knob on the side that will extend/ retract the troop rack when turned. The door opens as the rack extends (this is my first venture into the world of stop-motion animation).

The control center for the pilot...

One of the cool features is the little mini sled that stows away in the rear of the MTT. It can carry the communications dish as shown here...

...or the weapons rack from the main bay...

...or one of the troop racks from the front.
This one does a fairly good job at evening the playing field for ground battles.


Anonymous said...

You write very well.

Unknown said...

thank you! I didn't think anyone was reading this blog :)

It's a fun outlet for my inner child.

Anonymous said...

So this comes with 16 battle droids? woah cool. Finally, a worthy battle for my clone collection XD

Anonymous said...

i used to have it but it broke and i lost most of the peices it was my favorite lego and it is still 6 years later, i tried to get another one but its at least 200 bucks:(