Thursday, December 4, 2008

TIE Crawler (#7664)

This was one of the first models from the Star Wars "Expanded Universe" (meaning anything that didn't show up in the movies).

It has free-rolling tracks on each pod and both pods can be rotated so they can be positioned as shown with the long end facing front, or facing the rear.

One building tip I would recommend is to take out one of the track links on each side, otherwise the tracks are too loose and don't really turn as the crawler moves along the ground. Removing one link makes it tight enough that it rolls as you'd expect a tank to roll, but not too tight as to interfere with any movement.

Each pod has a flip-out weapons turret that rotates.

It comes with two shadow troopers (the other one is on assignement and was not available for picture day).

The red cone on the bottom was supposed to be a flick-fire missile, but seeing as I am not a fan of the flick-fire missiles I fixed it in place so now it's just another laser. I thought about putting it on a mini turn-table, but although it would have a greater firing radius there would be nothing to prevent it from accidentally shooting out its own track pod. Considering how accurate the stormtroopers are in the movies, it should not be made easier for them to shoot their own vehicles.

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