Monday, August 16, 2010

Emperor Palpatine's Shuttle (#8096)

I picked up the Emperor's Theta-class shuttle off Bricklink (got a pretty good deal because there weren't any minifigs included). You may remember this one from the end of Episode III. Star Wars Battlefront II players have probably used this shuttle in space battles.

As far as accuracy goes, this one did fairly well. The cockpit is a bit large in proportion to the rest of the shuttle, but it's not the end of the world.

The canopy opens for access to the pilot. The updated pilot has a white face and the helmet is more open. I just swapped out the solid black head for a solid white head.

Here's what's supposed to go in, Darth Vader's little recovery room. The two levers on the end push in to move Vader's helmet into position. It almost looks like they're holding hands in this picture, maybe Palpatine wasn't always so mean after all...

I decided to give the Emperor a desk and a chair. After all, what's the point of being the supreme ruler of the Galactic Empire if you don't have a desk in your own personal shuttle? I have to admit, the new grey Emperor is a bit more menacing than the older yellow version...

I also put in a couple of clone guards as escorts, along with quick and easy weapon mounts. Behind them are the two lightsaber holders. I suppose I could take out one of them since Vader isn't riding along.

The rear cannon. If you're playing Battlefront II, it's worth waiting around in the hangar for someone to man the cannon. This one swivels up and down, as well as side to side.

The retractable landing gear was a nice touch too.

I'm going to experiment with the Episode VI Lambda-class shuttle to see if I can incorperate some of these improved design features (like the smoother wings, maybe even the landing gear). I'm also going to work on replacing the white pieces with grey ones.

This is a really good set and a great addition to your Imperial fleet. With or without the figures, I'd recommend this one.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Plo Koon's Jedi Starfighter (#8093)

I don't know what it is about these Jedi starfighters, but they're sure fun to play with. The latest addition to the fleet is Plo Koon's fighter (from the Clone Wars, and briefly from Revenge of the Sith).

I like the color scheme, and I also like the fact there aren't any flick-fire missiles with this one.

View from the rear. Everything you hoped it would be, and more. There's supposed to be a clip for his lightsaber below the cockpit on this side, but I thought it looked a little goofy, so I took it out.

Also conspicuously absent is the ejection system. There's supposed to be a post underneath that when flicked will pop Plo Koon out of the cockpit. It didn't seem to be working in Episode III, so I didn't even bother putting it in.

Plo Koon and his R7-D4 astromech droid.

This one is a great compliment to the other Jedi starfighters. I don't imagine they'll be making too many more of these variants. Unless they start making purple pieces, Mace Windu's fighter is out. I'm not sure if Kit Fisto or Ayla Secura even have fighters...